Community Updates & Activities
Voting regarding the Caduceus V.20 Upgrade Proposal is NOW OPEN!
Make your voice heard before 21st December by voting with CMP using this link: https://caduceus.foundation/vote
Full details of the proposal can be found here:
Caduceus Technical Weekly Report
Blockchain Explorer — Development Progress:
• Transaction Graph Feature:
Frontend: Adjust the background colour of the expanded nodes.
TestNet V2.0 (Pegasus)
• MetaRing GatewayNode:
Testing: Conducting dual-node operation tests in the public network environment.
Development: Adding caching functionality for getTransactionByHash and testing.
• MetaNet:
Development: Adding inter-node message transmission interface, enabling block and batch queries through peer nodes.
• MetaSentry:
Development: Implementing the newly added Commit L1 block hash functionality.
• Functional Testing:
Testing contract transactions: When deploying transactions, an error occurs: “cannot find the tx for the hash.”